Holiday Program
Our annual Holiday Program will be held on Wednesday, December 13th at 10:00 am and 12:30 pm. Please note the schedule below which shows when your child's class will be performing. (Snow date – Thurs. 12/14). We will also have our Basket Raffle again this year with many baskets already being donated. If you know of anyone that would like to donate a basket, please contact the office at 592-9331.
10:00 am |
12:30 pm |
Room 16 |
Room 13 pm |
Room 1 |
Room 4 |
Room 13 am |
Room 9 |
Room 12 |
Room 17 |
Room 20 |
Room 18 |
Room 6 |
Room 3 |
Room 5 |
Room 14/15 |
Room 10/11 |
We urge parents to arrive no earlier than 15 minutes before the scheduled time of the program. We will begin promptly at 10:00 am and 12:30 pm. Parents may take their child home following the reception if they choose. Please let your child's bus company know if you plan to take your child home with you. You will also need to sign out your child in the main office. The main parking lot will be available for those parents attending the holiday program.
For children who do not attend school on Wednesdays: All children have the opportunity to participate in the program, even if they are not scheduled to attend school on Wednesdays. Your child's teacher will be contacting you to discuss your availability to attend and transport your child.
Friday, December 22, 2017 will be our last day of school before the Holiday Break and will be a full day. School will resume on Tuesday January 2, 2017.